The SPARK ANIMATION 2019 FilmFestival shines the spotlight on an international line-up of acclaimed animated features and short films showcased from October 24 to...
Multi-Oscar-nominated production company Magic Light Pictures (The Gruffalo, The Highway Rat, Revolting Rhymes) is continuing its tradition of providing animated holiday specials for the...
Africa’s largest toon shop, Cape Town-based Triggerfish Animation, has launched a free online education destination for aspiring animators: Triggerfish Academy. Accessible via the website...
U.K.’s Oscar-nominated animation outfit Magic Light Pictures has announced pre-sales for its new half-hour animated special The Snail and the Whale to major broadcasters across Europe...
Closing out its annual festival’s top slate of international films culled and curated from thousands of productions from around the globe, the New York...
The Cape Town International Animation Festival has announced that Academy Award-winning producer Aron Warner and Academy Award-nominated director Peter Ramsey (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)...
Oscar-qualifying New York International Children’s Film Festival has announced the complete short film lineup for its 2019 event, which runs February 22-March 17 at...
Oscar-nominated studio Magic Light Pictures (The Highway Rat, Revolting Rhymes, The Gruffalo) announces a raft of sales for its 2018 half-hour Christmas special Zog...
Magic Light Pictures, the award-winning outfit behind the The Gruffalo specials, Room on the Broom and Highway Rat, is developing a new adaptation of...
Multi-Oscar-nominated production company Magic Light Pictures has revealed that Sir Lenny Henry (Broadchurch, Pirates! Band of Misfits) will lead the voice cast for it’s...
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