Based on DC’s comic-book limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, join DC Super Heroes from across the multiverse in...
Based on DC’s iconic comic-book limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, DC’s new animated film Justice League: Crisis on...
More scaly, spikey, fire-breathing surprises are hatching this month with the arrival of Dragons Rescue Riders: Heroes of the Sky Season 3. The latest installment...
DreamWorks Animation's new soaring adventure for young viewers is ready to take wing, with all six episodes of Peacock Original series Dragons Rescue Riders:...
Peacock is expanding its kids programming with the all-new original animated series Dragons Rescue Riders: Heroes of the Sky, streaming November 24. This new...
An unthinkable tragedy propels Superman into a dangerous new mindset, ultimately pitting Justice League members against each other in Injustice, an all-new DC Animated...
Tony and Grammy-winning performer Renée Elise Goldberry (Hamilton, Fast and Furious: Spy Racers) stars as Melodia on the new DreamWorks’ Dragons Rescue Riders Special: Secrets...
DreamWorks Animation unveiled the high-flying trailer and cast of its new preschool series Dragons Rescue Riders. This all-new chapter for young fans set in...
Chance The Rapper, Estelle, Patti LuPone, Uzo Aduba, Gallant, Aimee Mann and many other performers will be collaborating with Rebecca Sugar and her team...
Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, in partnership with DC, are in production on five new DC Showcase animated shorts for release...
As Comic-Con International grows in numbers and scope each year, it’s getting harder to cover every important event, trailer premiere and panel that takes...
'Black Panther' First Reactions: It's "Astonishing," "Iconic" and "Will Save Blockbusters"
Ryan Coogler's visually stunning, politically savvy entry into the Marvel movieverse had a truly...
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