The worlds of classic monsters and rescue vehicles, always a preschool favorite, collide in Mighty Monsterwheelies, the new DreamWorks Animation series premiering on Netflix...
Paramount+ debuted the official trailer and key art for Season 2of the original animated series Transformers: EarthSpark. The first nine episodes of the sophomore...
Disney Junior's music-filled first-responder toon Firebuds is ready to spring back into action for Season 2, premiering Wednesday, November 1 as a simulcast on Disney...
Disney+ today unveiled a star-studded (not even counting the felted celebrities) official trailer for the upcoming original musical-comedy series The Muppets Mayhem, bringing Jim...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 323)***
Creators of stand-out animated shows for younger kids have to make...
Disney Junior's Firebuds, an animated comedy-adventure series from Disney Branded Television featuring a team of young first responders and their talking vehicle sidekicks, premieres...
Summer just got hotter with the arrival of a new clip and the poster for LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation, the all-new animated special from Lucasfilm...
The CW Network today announced its slate of upcoming holiday programming, featuring holiday classics, family favorites and all-new specials, including a hybrid recap of...
DreamWorks Animation has announced the cast of its Netflix original series Archibald’s Next Big Thing from the creative mind of Emmy Award-winner Tony Hale,...
Discovery Family will be counting down the final 13 episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, beginning with special mid-season premiere on Saturday,...
Universal Kids network has revealed the series voices cast and season one guest stars for new original series Where’s Waldo?, inspired by the popular...
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