An independent-minded young princess from a far-away enchanted land learns valuable lessons about life, love and the vulnerability of her parents in Skydance Animation’s...
Prepare to be Spellbound!
Netflix today debuted the official trailer as well as brand-new film stills and key art for the original animated fantasy-adventure Spellbound, produced...
The 2024 World Animation Summit, the leading West Coast event for staying current with the latest trends and technologies in animation, has announced a...
Today, Netflix offered audiences a first glimpse of the enchanting world of Spellbound, the new fairy tale family comedy from Skydance Animation (Luck) and Shrek...
Days after its bumper upfront presentation in Hollywood, Netflix brought the show to Annecy Festival on Wednesday. “Next on Netflix Animation” played to a...
Upcoming animated feature Spellbound will be enchanting audiences on Netflix, as Apple has opted to end its partnership with Skydance Animation. The film had...
The seventh annual WIA World Summit at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival proved to be a resounding success last week. The day-long symposium...
Today, at the beginning of Pride month, WIA — the advocacy organization dedicated to advancing people of underrepresented gender identities, including women and gender...
***This feature originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Interest in animated feature projects continues to grow, so it’s never...
Apple Original Films and Skydance Animation announced today that Oscar winners Nicole Kidman (Being the Ricardos, Roar and Javier Bardem (Being the Ricardos, Dune) have...
Everyone’s favorite ogre is turning 20! Universal Pictures, DreamWorks Animation and Fathom Events have partnered to bring Shrek, the hilarious and irreverent Academy Award-winning...
Apple and Skydance Animation have marked the finalization of a multiyear deal with the unveiling of first-look art from the studio's hotly anticipated debut...
Skydance Animation has named Shane Prigmore to the newly created position of Senior Vice President of Development for Animation. An animation veteran of Walt...
Skydance and Paramount Pictures announced Monday that original animated musical fantasy Spellbound, which Paramount Pictures has committed to co-finance and release globally, is now...
Skydance Animation announced Wednesday that legendary composer Alan Menken, known for his award-winning work on animated favorites The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast,...
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