South Africa's Triggerfish Animation Studios has unveiled a new trailer for its upcoming feature Khumba. The 3-D, CG-animated feature has been making the festival...
South Africa’s Triggerfish Animation Studios announced this week that Steve Buscemi (Boardwalk Empire) and Anika Noni Rose (The Princess and the Frog) have joined...
South African animation studio Triggerfish announced today that Laurence Fishburne has joined the voice cast of its upcoming 3D animated pic Khumba as the...
Sony Home Ent. will release Triggerfish Animation Studios’ Annie Award-nominated feature Adventures in Zambezia in the U.S. on March 26. The CG-animated series centers...
Samuel L. Jackson, Leonard Nimoy, Jeff Goldblum and Abigail Breslin have joined the voice cast for Triggerfish Animation Studios’ upcoming CG-animated feature Zambezia 3D....
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