The prestigious European animation celebration Annecy Festival, taking place this year from June 11-17, announced today a thematic spotlight on Pride and Diversity, featuring four...
An extradimensional dietary showdown is heading to Park City this weekend, as the new animated short BurgerWorld makes its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival...
The SXSW Film & TV Festival made its initial 2023 lineup program announcement today, including 10 animated shorts in competition and spotlight presentations of...
The 24th Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF2022) came to a close in South Korea on Tuesday, announcing its international selection of winning films.
The European...
***This article originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
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It's been another busy year for animation pros, and with so many amazing films debuting at every...
Sixty-nine animated short films have been selected for the Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF), which will be held October 21-25 in South Korea. The...
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