Netflix has renewed its deal to carry Universal Pictures' raft of animated feature hits, which includes releases from powerhouse studios DreamWorks Animation (Shrek, Kung...
The 2024 edition of The World Animation Summit is just around the corner, and organizers are busily preparing to welcome industry experts and leading creatives from...
The 2024 World Animation Summit, the leading West Coast event for staying current with the latest trends and technologies in animation, has announced a...
One of the year's most highly acclaimed animated features, DreamWorks Animation's The Wild Robot makes its Digital debut through Universal Pictures Home Entertainment today, available to...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences tonight honored its student winners from colleges and universities around the world at the 51st Student...
While continuing to charm family audiences in theaters, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment today announced that the critically acclaimed DreamWorks Animation feature The Wild Robot will...
It was an animated bonanza at the domestic box-office this weekend. While Cineverse's indie horror release Terrifier 3 rode the spooky season enthusiasm to a...
DreamWorks’ universally acclaimed new movie The Wild Robot booted up a $35 million opening weekend at the U.S. box office, delivering the third best...
Now in its 48th year, the Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF) returns September 25-29. Who better to guide you through this year’s highlights than...
With the 2024 event just around the corner, the World Animation Summit has revealed this year's Hall of Fame Awards winners — celebrating the artists...
"Animated movies just don't get better than this. Actually, movies just don't get better than this."
— Peter Hammond, Deadline film critic
Making its debut as a Gala...
The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF) will host a behind-the-scenes look at the story and artistry of DreamWorks Animaton’s The Wild Robot on September 28 at the National...
DreamWorks Animation today debuted a new trailer for The Wild Robot, the studio's upcoming adaptation of the No. 1 New York Times bestseller by Peter Brown....
VIEW Conference 2024 has announced an array of sessions showcasing the creative talent behind The Wild Robot, the upcoming animated feature from DreamWorks Animation....
The Toronto International Film Festival today announced six highly-anticipated films set to premiere in its Gala and Special Presentation programs. These select half-dozen will all...
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