TeamTO announced new partnerships for their action-comedy animated series Jade Armor (26 x 22') with the Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC), the leading platform for kids...
Global independent kids and family distributor Jetpack Distribution has secured a series of deals with a range of broadcasters across Asia. These agreements will...
Independent global kids’ content distributor Jetpack Distribution has announced a significant range of broadcast deals across Europe for a slew of shows from its...
To support the strong growth of its production volume and to deal with the development of its activities, Samka Productions recently recruited Virginie Duquenois...
Ken Faier’s independent prodco Epic Story Media has inked co-production agreements for two new animated series, Dolph-N-Fince and Haley & The Hero Heart, which...
Leading kids & family content distributor Imira Entertainment has closed a 150+ territory Pay TV deal with Viacom Int’l Media Networks’ Nickelodeon across EMEA,...
Beijing- and Hollywood-based film and TV animation studio DreamEast Pictures has secured a global distribution deal with Jetpack Distribution for 2D adventure-comedy series, Valt...
Global distributor Jetpack Distribution has secured a commissioning deal with French broadcasters M6 and Canal+ for The Sisters, a new 52 x 11 series...
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