Pamela Hayden, who has given voice to Bart’s best friend Milhouse along with many other characters on the record-running animated series The Simpsons, has...
Acclaimed animator, illustrator and director Jorge R. Gutiérrez (Maya and the Three, The Book of Life, El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera) has...
This Sunday, November 3, the annual The Simpsons Halloween event rises from the grave once more in "Treehouse of Horror XXXV." This year's anthology of...
The 2024 edition of The World Animation Summit is just around the corner, and organizers are busily preparing to welcome industry experts and leading creatives from...
As the Emmy Award-winning animated series this year celebrates its 25th Anniversary, Abrams ComicArts (a division of publishing house Abrams) is launching The Art of...
Sunday evening, an extravagant ceremony closed out D23: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event as The Walt Disney Company honored 14 new Disney Legends: Disney...
During the FOX Animation Domination-presented panel for The Simpsons (launching its astounding 36th season this fall) at San Diego Comic-Con, series creator Matt Groening presented...
January 2024 marked the milestone 25th anniversary of 20th Television Animation’s Family Guy, the raw and rowdy adult animation institution that first spawned on...
Nancy MacKenzie, the prolific actress and voice-over artist who has been the Spanish dub voice of Marge in FOX's record-breaking animated sitcom The Simpsons in...
Nickelodeon today revealed the nominees for its annual slime-filled Kids’ Choice Awards, with over 50 first-time nominees from across the worlds of film, television, music,...
FOX Entertainment today unveils its content slate for the 2024-2025 television season to the national advertising community during its in-person Upfront Presentation at the...
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