Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment is offering a fans a chance to expand their toon libraries with the Animation Mania! sale, offering nearly 30...
Weigel Broadcasting Co. announced the launch of an all-new national television network, MeTV Toons, dedicated exclusively to classic animation, from Hollywood-era shorts to made-for-television favorites....
As part of its centennial campaign "Celebrating Every Story," Warner Bros. Discovery has unveiled its collection of global products, content, and experiences honoring Warner...
***This article originally appeared in the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 315)***
In recent years, I have helped develop two preschool shows that...
Francis "Chick" Vennera, actor and prolific voice performer who lent his talents to toon classics like Animaniacs and Batman Beyond, died Wednesday at his...
WarnerMedia is revitalizing one of the most storied names in animation history, establishing Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe (previously Cartoon Network Studios Europe, operating from Great...
Comedian, actor and director Dave Coulier has joined forces with animation producer Bob Harper to launch Grilled Cheese Media, combining their huge catalogue of...
Warner Bros. has made too key executive appointments to its kids' and animation divisions, naming Amy Friedman as Head of Kids & Family Programming,...
The loveable polar bear regent returns in a new “e-NORM-ous” family animated adventure when Norm of the North: Family Vacation arrives on Digital, DVD...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and Warner Archive Collection are bringing an unparalleled posse of comics and toon icons to San Diego for Comic-Con International...
Jack de Mello Dead: Hawaiian Music Advocate, Animation Composer was 102
The composer, arranger, producer and recording artist (nearly 160 albums) composed for Hanna-Barbera classics...
Charlie Collier: Here Comes the ‘Fox Mom’ Era of Animated Comedies
The Fox Ent. chief says the network is building its strong adult animation lineup...
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