Children's content distributor Bejuba! Entertainment has acquired the worldwide distribution rights for Animixies, a new 52 x 11' CG-animated comedy-action-adventure series, targeted at kids...
Chinese streamer iQIYI’s hit preschool animated series, Momo is starting its maiden global voyage with distributor Bejuba! Entertainment. The 32 x 5' series about...
Scribble Studios and Lil Critter Workshop announced that they are recipients of an Epic MegaGrant from Epic Games. The support provided by the MegaGrant...
Global animation studio and content creator 3D Sparrow has partnered with international children’s distributor Bejuba! to bring its award-winning kids’ series Booba to broadcasters...
Animation Magazine has unveiled its list of this year’s distinguished Animation Hall of Fame Game-Changers award recipients. The honorees will receive their awards at...
Global multichannel network Aux Mode Inc. has been appointed by Bejuba Entertainment to act as the worldwide YouTube manager for its extensive catalog of...
Things are really clucking along for GraveRobber -- the animation studio founded two years ago by children’s book author/illustrator Keith Graves and writer/producer Rob...
Bejuba! Entertainment has inked a deal with author Laura J. Wellington to develop and produced an animated show based on her upcoming children’s book...
After getting a whiff of global success, Corus Entertainment network Teletoon and Wishfart Productions announce that the weird, wonderful, magical world of animated series...
Bejuba! Entertainment and Big Jump Entertainment have joined forces to bring the heartwarming new animated preschool series Etta’s Star to market. The 2D, 52...
Bejuba! Entertainment and Koko Rose Media have partnered with Canadian studio Yeti Farm and Emmy Award-winning writer/producer Scott Cameron on their animated preschool series...
Toronto-based children’s entertainment distribution and executive production company Bejuba! Entertainment has signed on industry veteran Emilie Pasquet as its new Director of Sales. Pasquet...
International preschool co-production Sydney Sailboat has been picked up for streaming on Hulu, where it will launch on September 26. Hulu acquired the exclusive...
Canadian kids entertainment company Bejuba! Entertainment has inked a deal with Koko Rose Media, picking up global distribution rights for animated preschool series Deer...
Bejuba! Entertainment’s children’s short-form series Fuzzy Tales has landed on Disney Junior in the U.S. Produced by Brain Power Studios in Canada, the pre-school...
Canada's Bejuba! Entertainment has picked up the TV and home entertainment rights (worldwide excluding Australia and Asia) for the award winning 6-9 CGI animated...
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