The British Academy of Film and Television Arts, or BAFTA, has revealed the nominees for its British Academy Children’s Awards, taking place in London...
It’s that magical time of year when Cannes, France’s Palais des Festivals (and any bars within walking distance) are jam-packed with content creators and...
A total of 16 animation programs have received official certification from the British Film Institute, the first step in accessing the U.K.'s competitive new...
BBC Worldwide and CBeebies have joined forces with Studio AKA, the award-winning U.K. shop behind numerous indents, ads and the shorts Lost and Found...
U.K.’s award-winning animation house Studio AKA has produced a 3x30 second spots highlighting BBC Radio 4’s new Cultural Exchange feature, which is billed as...
Cartoon Network’s The Amazing World of Gumball won the top award for Best Children’s Series and Children’s Choice British Animation Award at the toon...
Grant Orchard’s clever first short, A Morning Stroll, combines various animation styles to tell a delightful story with a twist.
About two years ago, Grant...
Last weekend, the Academy screened the 45 projects that were submitted for Best Animated Shorts consideration. Members of the Shorts and Animation branch of...
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