Ahead of the 61st annual Annecy International Animation Film Festival next week, Netflix has announced a slate of new animated films and series from...
Following the announcement of its all-animation Opening, Centerpiece and Closing program highlights, the Oscar-qualifying New York International Children’s Film Festival (NYICFF) has announced its...
The finalists for the prestigious British Animation Awards 2020 have been revealed. Recognizing the very best in British animation across a variety of categories,...
Award-winning distributor PGS Entertainment is now global distributor (excluding Finland, U.K., Japan, China & South Korea) for Moominvalley, the new TV adaptation of Finnish...
The Oscar-qualifying New York Int’l Children’s Film Festival has unveiled the complete feature film slate for its 2019 edition, taking place February 22 through...
Helsinki-based Gutsy Animation has offered up an enchanting first-look at the final character designs and series artwork for its visually ambitious new CG adaptation...
Finnish production company Gutsy Animations has announced the first raft of voice cast members confirmed for its highly anticipated, beautifully vibrant TV series, Moominvalley,...
'Everything' by David OReilly Available Now
The ground-breaking universal simulator is out now for PC and Mac via Steam for just $14.99. Read more about...
Filmlance International, the production house behind the acclaimed Scandinavian thriller Bron (The Bridge), has entered a licensing agreement with Moomin Characters and Bulls Licensing...
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