On the extra terrestrial heels of Solar Opposites Season 5 premiering on Hulu this month, Animation Magazine is tickled green to present an exclusive featurette focusing on...
Since its premiere in May 2020, Solar Opposites — Hulu’s adult animated “silly aliens in suburbia” show has entertained audiences and surpassed expectations. This...
Earth's wildest honeymooners are coming back to Hulu Animayhem next month, when Season 5 of Solar Opposites arrives on the streamer on August 12. From...
Hulu has delivered a heart-shaped box of pain and hilarity to adult animation fans, unleashing the trailer for the new Solar Opposites Valentine's Day...
Today, ASIFA-Hollywood announced the nominations for the 51st Annie Awards -- celebrating the past year's achievements in animated storytelling and craft across movies, television, streaming and more....
After a period of cosmic interference, the dysfunctional ETs of animated Hulu Original series Solar Opposites have settled a fourth season of wildly bizarre, hilarious...
At the edge of the universe ... At the brink of destruction ... somebody has to handle waste removal.
Paramount+ today revealed the official trailer...
Hulu is putting the spotlight on its more then 20,000 episodes of adult animation and anime content, today launching the Hulu Animayhem sub-brand focused on these...
The Orange County District Attorney's office has dropped domestic violence charges against Justin Roiland, co-creator of Rick and Morty and Solar Opposites, after the animation...
Hulu is ready to bring some seasonally outer space-y mayhem to screens this month when the new Solar Opposites Halloween special premiers on October 3,...
Disney Branded Television, Disney Television Studios, Disney+, FX and Hulu are planning to take New York Comic Con by storm with 10 panels featuring...
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