The Emile Awards returned this year, recognizing outstanding achievement in European animation. The 2024 honors for feature film and short film craft were presented in...
Following its market premiere at the European Film Market (EFM) on February 17, the CG-animated adaptation Dragonkeeper will bow on the festival circuit as...
After winning numerous festival awards over the past two years, Signe Baumane’s acclaimed feature My Love Affair with Marriage will finally get a theatrical...
The first-ever Portland Festival of Cinema. Animation & Technology (PFCAT) attracted thousands of visitors to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry early this...
Distributor 8 Above announced today it will present the U.S. theatrical release of My Love Affair with Marriage, the second animated feature from Signe...
Animafest Zagreb 2023 has unveiled the selections for its Grand Competition Feature Film -- a thematically and stylistically diverse array, selected by artistic director...
The 30th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS | has unveiled the feature films from around the world that will be screening...
The 24th Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF2022) came to a close in South Korea on Tuesday, announcing its international selection of winning films.
The European...
Norway's 2022 Fredrikstad Animation Festival came to a conclusion this weekend, celebrating the year's best in Nordic-Baltic animation at the FAF Award Ceremony held...
The 2022 Bucheon International Animation Festival ( has slated 11 animated feature films for this year's competition, once again expanding the category which has...
Latvian writer, director and illustrator Signe Baumane’s new feature My Love Affair with Marriage centers on a woman named Zelda who finds herself questioning...
Setting the stage for next month’s Licensing Expo 2022, Toei Animation Inc. together with U.S. agent Crunchyroll released the latest Dragon Ball franchise report—...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 313)***
Fans of artistic, thought-provoking animation will remember Špela Čadež as the...
The Criterion Channel is planning a sizzling summer programming event for animation aficionados, with 31 boundary-pushing films from the 1950s up to the present...
After more than a year with no in-person animation gatherings, mad dashes through airports to catch a connection or joyful reunions with friends and...
Flushing Town Hall announced the selected films to be honored at this year's Crazy Talented Asians & Friends animation shorts showcase, "Celebrating APA Heritage...
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