Ahead of its world premiere in the Annecy Presents Official Selection of the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, The Sloth Lane animated feature has...
Viva Pictures announces its acquisition of Scarygirl, an animated feature film based on the widely celebrated graphic novel, toys and game brand. The quirky...
An international coalition of animation and VFX creatives, industry leaders, students and educators will gather once again in Edinburgh, Scotland from February 21-23 for...
The Spark Computer Graphics Society (Spark CG), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and fostering the computer graphics industry, has announced the in-person program...
Canada-Madrid-based international sales agent Pink Parrot Media (PPM) is expanding its distribution catalog, heading to the American Film Market (AFM) with two new titles...
Toronto-based animation, VR & AR development studio has announced a slate of titles to be showcased at Kidscreen Summit (Feb. 11-14, Miami). The projects...
Vision Film Entertainment has snapped up animated feature Arkie for distribution in China across some 10,000 theaters. Produced by Passion Pictures (Australia), the fantasy-adventure...
Cinesite Studios has acquired full-service animation facility Nitrogen Studios Canada, Inc., based in Vancouver. The studio employs 70 creative and production staff, and is...
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