Lion Forge Entertainment, the prodco behind the Academy Award-winning short Hair Love, is partnering with Taylor K. Shaw’s Black Women Animate Studios (BWA) to...
HBO Max, Cartoon Network and Lion Forge Animation announced today plans to adapt the popular Dark Horse Comics/YouNeek Studios graphic novel series Iyanu: Child...
David Steward II’s Lion Forge Animation (, producer of Academy Award-winning short Hair Love), is expanding its leadership team as the company, known for...
David Steward II’s Lion Forge Animation studio (Academy Award-winning Hair Love) has made a deal with the Tuff Gong Collective, a joint venture between...
Alumni Pros Global Sports (APGS) has set an exclusive partnership with David Steward II's Lion Forge Animation (Academy Award-winning short Hair Love), making the...
David Steward II’s Lion Forge Animation studio (Academy Award-winning Hair Love) is expanding its global creative, executive and production teams, announcing the addition of...
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