Warner Bros. Pictures Animation and Locksmith Animation are preparing a new animated musical movie titled Bad Fairies for July of 2027. The film will...
This morning, Netflix unveiled its 2023 Kids & Family slate, providing new photos and release date confirmations for a number of exciting toon titles across...
Manchester Animation Festival (MAF), the U.K.’s largest animation festival, has revealed its program for 2022. Returning for its eighth year, the festival will offer...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '22 issue of Animation Magazine***
Chris Robinson is the longtime artistic director of the Ottawa International Animation Festival...
Streaming giant Netflix continues to build steam for its original animation train, confirming a raft of original features and series this week. For a...
Viacom’s new “studio model" strategy will see Nickelodeon Animation produce a new Pinky Malinky series for Netflix, as the company begins to turn its...
Nickelodeon and its library programming block The Splat are opening the vaults for a slime-tastic, immersive experience at Comic-Con International in San Diego (July...
Nickelodeon held its annual upfront presentation in New York’s Lincoln Center on Wednesday, detailing plans to head into the season with over 650 episodes...
Nickelodeon has opened submissions for the 2016 global Animated Shorts Program, accepting entries through April 15. The annual program, overseen by network development executives,...
Nickelodeon has greenlit 20 episodes of social-media influenced animated comedy Pinky Malinky, the next original toon set to join the channel’s growing roster of...
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