Animation Magazine is proud to announce the recipients of this year’s Hall of Fame Awards. The distinguished honorees will receive their awards at The...
Mattel, Inc. and Nickelodeon today announced plans to produce a new animated series as well as a live-action television movie musical based on Monster...
***This article originally appeared in the December ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 295)***
The hugely loved children’s books of Dr. Seuss (the late Theodor...
Organizers of the Frame-By-Frame Animators Conference (FxF), one of the U.S. Midwest’s premiere toon confabs, have confirmed a luminous guests of honor lineup for...
Walt Disney Animation Studios is taking another pass at the CG interpretation of its first black princess, following wide backlash to the character Tiana's...
This week's buzz-worthy CG animation Confab SIGGRAPH has released the video of its opening day keynote, which was presented in collaboration with the Academy...
Stevie Wermers-Skelton and Kevin Deters’ charming Ballad of Nessie brings a certain lake-dwelling Scottish monster to animated life.
Here’s a lesson for animation students: Don’t...