The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) announces the return of SCAD AnimationFest to Atlanta from September 26-28. The highly anticipated three-day festival...
Adult Swim returns to Annecy International Animation Film Festival this year with a raucous lineup of first-looks, breaking news and special appearances for its...
Warner Bros. Animation (WBA), Cartoon Network Studios (CNS) and Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe (HBSE) will return to the Annecy International Animation Film Festival with a...
The critically acclaimed Max Original adult-animated series Harley Quinn has been renewed for a fifth season.
"Harley Quinn has raised the comedic crowbar with every new season,"...
A riotous Annecy Festival crowd of animation fans got to discover sneak peeks and whimsical content earlier today, as Warner Bros Animation, Cartoon Network...
Warner Bros. Television is the latest section of Warner Bros. Discovery to face major cost-cutting decisions in the wake of the $43 billion merger. Deadline...
Critically-acclaimed Max Original adult-animated series Harley Quinn has been renewed for a fourth season, ahead of the season three finale on September 15.
“Three seasons down...
HBO Max has ordered Noonan's (working title) to series. The 10-episode adult-animated DC series, centered on Kite Man (voiced by Matt Oberg) is a spin-off...
FOX Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation and multi-hyphenate Elizabeth Banks have joined forces to develop Bedrock, a primetime animated adult comedy series continuing the story...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and Warner Archive Collection are bringing an unparalleled posse of comics and toon icons to San Diego for Comic-Con International...
Warner Bros. Television and Warner Bros. Animation will be bringing a colorful array of heroes and antiheroes from animated and live-action hit series to...
‘Wonder Woman’ Director Patty Jenkins to Receive PSIFF Award
Palm Springs Int’l Film Festival will honor the first female recipient of its Creative Impact in...
Mystery Inc.'s intrepid female sleuths will star in their own feature-length origins movie from Warner Bros. Television Group's digital studio Blue Ribbon Content. Currently...
Warner Bros. Television Group has promoted creative executive Peter Girardi to the post of Executive Vice President of its digital studio Blue Ribbon Content,...
Warner Bros. Animation creative executive Jay Bastian has been promoted to senior VP series, and operations chief Ed Adams has been promoted to senior...
Man of Steel director Zack Snyder and highly regarded Warner Bros. toon veteran Bruce Timm (Superman: The Animated Series) are working on an animated...
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