This year's Grand Prizes went to Sarina Nihei's Small People With Hats won Best Independent Short Animation, and Patrick McHale's Over The Garden Wall...
The Ottawa International Animation Festival, the leading toon-centric fest in North America, announces its official selection for its Grand Prize for Best Animated Feature...
The Animation Magazine 250th issue celebration continues, this time with our list of creative to watch.
They are:
Cam Baity — animator, show creator, author
Kelli Bixler...
The National Cartoonists Society honored Song of the Sea director Tomm Moore for best feature animation and Patrick McHale of the Cartoon Network miniseries...
Our yearly look toward the bright future of original animation talent with up-and-coming first time series creators.
Dave Cooper & Johnny Ryan
Pig Goat Banana Cricket!...
Cartoon Network celebrated its animation slate at Comic-Con with jam packed panels for Steven Universe -- with creator Rebecca Sugar, supervising director Ian Jones-Quartey...
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