Paramount Animation and Temple Hill are joining forces to bring the heroic world of husband-and-wife animation alums Yarrow and Carrie Cheney's book, Superworld: Save...
In a brief interview in Variety discussing animation strategy, the new pic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem and her own career arc, Nickelodeon Animation...
During the pop culture convention MomoCon in Atlanta, Georgia this weekend, voice actor Michaela Jill Murphy, a.k.a. Jessie Flower, cautioned fans not to expect...
Transformers diehard fans will have to wait two more months to check out Paramount’s 2024 animated feature based on the durable franchise. Deadline reports...
Hasbro's beloved robots in disguise are returning for a new fully-animated big screen adventure next year in Transformers One, from the toy brand's entertainment division...
Are ya ready, kids? Nickelodeon Animation and Paramount Animation have set theatrical release dates for the big screen return of the Bikini Bottom game...
Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Animation have enlisted Flying Bark Productions to animate their first recently announced Untitled Avatar feature film in a newly confirmed...
Animation Is Film (AIF), whose mission is to champion animation as a cinematic artform on par with live action, has unveiled its competition line-up, special...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 323)***
“We are storytellers at heart.” That’s how Mikros Animation defines itself...
Animation Magazine is proud to announce the recipients of this year’s Hall of Fame Awards. The distinguished honorees will receive their awards at The...
Paramount Pictures is tripling down on its hit big screen treatment of the iconic video game hero, revealing a December 20, 2024 release date for Sonic...
Animation & VFX studio Cinesite, which has recently marked its 30th anniversary, has announced it’s acquired a majority stake in animation & motion-capture studio...
Avatar: Braving the Elements podcast host Janet Varney (the voice of Korra) today exclusively revealed that the first feature-length movie from Avatar Studios will...
Lauren Montgomery (Avatar: The Last Airbender, Voltron: Legendary Defender) is attached to direct an untitled, animated Avatar film currently in development under the Avatar...
Chris Miller (Shrek the Third, Puss in Boots) is attached to direct Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Animation’s Untitled Smurfs Animated Musical. Like it says...
Nickelodeon’s Intergalactic Shorts Program 2.0 is opening its search for new and diverse creators from across the globe, focusing on new voices and nurturing...
Following its pick-up by Paramount Animation announced in January, the animated reimagining of Mel Brooks classic Blazing Saddles has been redubbed Paws of Fury:...
The star-studded animated comedy feature Blazing Samurai has found a home with Paramount Animation, which has picked up rights from GFM Animation for North...
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