GKIDS has announced the acquisition of the four-part documentary series 10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki. The project is directed by Kaku Arakawa, who is...
Gutsy Animations’ internationally celebrated, Emmy nominated animated series Moominvalley (13 x 22’) has been recommissioned for a fourth season by its anchor broadcasters Sky...
GKIDS has acquired the North American distribution rights for Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, the 1990 animated series by acclaimed director Hideaki Anno....
Toronto-based independent entertainment co. Boat Rocker (boatrocker.com) is sending its preschool hit Dino Ranch across the pond, having been lassoed by U.K. free-to-air broadcaster...
The nominees for the 34th European Film Awards (www.europeanfilmawards.eu/en_EN/the-show) were announced Tuesday, revealing the five animated features vying for a top prize this year....
SMF Studio (Soyuzmultfilm) will premiere a new animated series Coolics, based on the comic book by the Russian publisher Bubble Comics, during MIPCOM. Creative...
Mattel Films Developing Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots Live-Action Movie
In the works with Universal Pictures and Vin Diesel's One Race Films (with Diesel tapped...
GKIDS, the acclaimed distributor of multiple Academy Award-nominated animated features, has announced the voice cast of the upcoming English language dub for legendary animation...
The Japanese language voice actors for Studio Ghibli's first-ever 3D CG animated feature, Earwig and the Witch (Āya to Majo) has been announced, along...
***This article originally appeared in the November '20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 304)***
As many had predicted, the MIPCOM fall content market has now...
Academy of Art University Launches ‘Creative Mind’ Podcasts
The San Francisco school has launched the brand-new title to inspire budding artists and designers. In each...
Paris-based producer & distributor GO-N Productions keeps on expanding its successful series Simon, as its commercial entity GO-N International has wrapped up a new...
Paris-based producer & distributor GO-N Productions keeps on expanding its successful series Simon, as its commercial entity GO-N International has wrapped up a new...
Oscar-nominated studio Magic Light Pictures (The Highway Rat, Revolting Rhymes, The Gruffalo) announces a raft of sales for its 2018 half-hour Christmas special Zog...
The International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences has announced the nominees for the next International Emmy Kids Awards, with the winners to be...
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