Titmouse, Inc.—the L.A. studio behind Adult Swim’s The Ventures Bros., Metalocalypse and Black Dynamite—has their first original animated theatrical short The Hidden Life of...
Six Point Harness and Titmouse have launched a new YouTube animation channel called Rug Burn. The founders of these prominent independent animation studios have...
Adult Swim will be hosting a massive fan concert featuring the Death Metal stars of hit show Metalocalypse, Dethklok, during the San Diego Comic-Con...
The futuristic Motorcity explores a bizarro car culture on Disney XD.
Die-hard animation fans who have been watching cool shows such as Metalocalypse, Megas XLR...
Motorcity, an animated adventure series created by Chris Prynoski, is slated to premiere April 30 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Disney XD.
The half-hour series...
Get set for more Dethklok.
Animation's deadliest metal rockers are set to return with its fourth-season premiere April 29 at 12:15 a.m. ET/PT on Adult...
Disney TV’s London-based studio has commissioned Ireland’s Boulder Media and L.A.’s Titmouse to produce a new animated comedy titled Randy Cunningham: Ninth Grade Ninja....
Turner Broadcasting UK has become the first media owner to offer free show content to Facebook users via Milyoni’s Social Cinema technology, which debuted...
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