Warner Bros. Discovery's Max announced today that its original, adult animated series Creature Commandos will premiere on the platform Thursday, December 5. Written and executive...
Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD) and independent Spanish animation company Ánima Kitchenthas partnered for the second season of its highly successful preschool series, Cuquin. The new season...
Isao Takahata's heart wrenching Grave of the Fireflies (1988) is the latest Studio Ghibli animated masterpiece to join Netflix's international library, The animated war...
Following the announcement that it is shutting down the classic cartoon platform Boomerang, Warner Bros. Discovery has apparently stripped free video content from CartoonNetwork.com....
Warner Bros. Discovery announced today that the standalone video streaming app and website for its Boomerang service, which is dedicated to classic cartoon brands,...
Adult Swim’s adaptation of Junji Ito’s supernational horror manga Uzumaki will premiere Saturday, September 28 at 12:30 a.m. during the network’s action/anime block Toonami,...
The annual whirlwind San Diego Comic-Con is about to commence, opening July 25-28 in the San Diego Convention Center. The super-sized pop culture and media...
Studio Ghibli’s Oscar- and Golden Globe-winning animated feature The Boy and the Heron will make its U.S. streaming debut Friday, September 6, exclusively on Max....
Lion Forge Entertainment announced today that Iyanu, Roye Okupe's animated superhero series isnpired by the legends and culture of Nigeria, is set to launch...
One of the most critically celebrated and longest-running animated series in Adult Swim history, The Venture Bros. will be making its U.S. Netflix debut on August...
Lion Forge Entertainment, the studio behind Iyanu, the epic superhero animated-series steeped in Nigerian culture and mythology, debuting on Cartoon Network and Max, has...
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