Cape Town-based Triggerfish Animation has appointed Arthur Sheriff as an advisor to the company. Based in London, Sheriff has many years of experience in...
The British Animation Awards have revealed their honorees for the 2014 awards ceremony, which took place today at the British Film Institute's Southbank, London...
Magic Light Pictures' multiple award-winning Room on the Broom has won the animation category of the 2014 International Emmy Kids Awards.
Room on the Broom...
Preschool television channel Sprout will offer the U.S. premiere of The Gruffalo’s Child on December 22nd. Based on the classic children’s picture book written...
Dallas-based home ent. distributor NCircle Entertainment has acquired DVD distribution rights for The Gruffalo’s Child, the follow up to Magic Light Pictures’ Oscar-nominated short...
Producer Michael Rose discusses his well-received animated projects, The Gruffalo’s Child and Chico & Rita
About seven years ago, Aardman veteran Michael Rose set up...
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