Fans of DreamWorks Animation's hilarious prehistoric family were thrilled to see the arrival of the new series The Croods: Family Tree on Peacock and...
Nickelodeon today revealed the nominations for the 2020 Kids’ Choice Awards, with an animation category race that shows the enduring popularity of fan-favorite series...
WATCH: Ricky Gervais Guest Stars in ‘Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?’
The popular British comedian appears in the latest episode of the new Mystery Inc. adventures....
WATCH: Oscar-Nominated Animation ‘Negative Space’
Max Porter & Ru Kuwahata’s multi-award-winning, stop-motion adaptation of the Ron Koertge poem has launched on Vimeo, where it is...
’Lion King’ Star Billy Eichner Wants More LGBTQ Characters in Animated Movies
The actor and comedian, who voices the meerkat Timon in the new movie,...
The creative team behind Disney Channel’s new movie discuss transforming the popular toon to a live-action heroine.
It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost...
VOID Festival Spotlights Iranian Animation
The Copenhagen animation fest (January 24-Feb. 2) will screen a program of “New Iranian Shorts” as well as playing Ashkan...
Aspiring animators looking for an accessible, quick and comprehensive introduction to the foundation skills of the artform should add the new streaming series The...
Disney's 'Lion King' Remake Finds Its Rafiki and Sarabi
Jon Favreau's "live-action" take on the animated classic continues to coalesce nicely, with award-winning actors and...
Seth Rogen and Billy Eichner to Play Pumbaa and Timon in ‘Lion King’
Jon Favreau’s live-action revamp of the iconic Disney animated feature also stars...
VIDEO: "Rough Night" | 'Archer' Season 8 Official Trailer
Archer Dreamland gets noir (or a slightly darker noir) when the incompetents formerly known as ISIS...
FMX 2017 Chooses Slogan "Beyond the Screen" and Selects 'Elemental' as Trailer
Check out the teaser for FMX "Beyond the Screen" (May 2-5, Stuttgart) which...
Roger Allers, who co-directed Disney's smash hit The Lion King and Sony Pictures Animation's Open Season, has signed on to an animated adaptation of...
Jonathan Roberts, one of three credited screenwriters on Disney's animated classic The Lion King, is lending a helping hand to Triggerfish Animation Studios' feature...
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