Over the past year, the animation world has been patiently awaiting the arrival of Jorge Gutiérrez's lavish new mini-series Maya and the Three, which...
Netflix announces three new animated comedy series for kids and families around the world. From renowned creators and fresh new voices, these series add...
LatinX in Animation (LXiA) is excited to announce its first-ever Animation Day as part of the Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival's 20th edition....
Annecy 2021 today announces its Work in Progress (WIP) projects, including nine of the world's most inspiring feature films heading to screens in the...
Tickets are now on sale for the VIEW Conference 2020 On-Demand Edition. Many recorded sessions await fans of animation, VFX, games, immersive experiences and...
Former Nickelodeon and Netflix top executive Jenna Boyd has partnered with The Cartel to launch Field Day Entertainment, a talent-centric production company that focuses...
Netflix today announced an expanded partnership with Emmy Award-winning and Golden Globe nominated animator, painter, writer, director Jorge Gutierrez and his production company Mexopolis...
Animation fans and professionals can get unique insights behind the scenes of Netflix's global hits and highly anticipated new projects from the perspective of...
Dr. Ed Catmull, computer graphics pioneer, Pixar co-founder and former president of Pixar Animation and Walt Disney Animation Studios, will speak at Italy’s leading...
The 2020 edition of Mexico's Pixelatl animation festival, taking place online this year, is fast approaching. Set to take place September 1-5, the organizers...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will host a family-friendly virtual workshop with some of the animation industry's top artists, directors and...
We are deeply saddened by the untimely passing of Canadian animation veteran Blair Kitchen at age 43, early Sunday morning. The much-loved and respected...
To mark International Migrants Day on Wednesday, December 18, Families Belong Together -- a coalition of near 250 organizations working to end the detention...
Netflix is joining forces with Academy Award-nominated animation studio Tonko House (The Dam Keeper, Moom, Pig: The Dam Keeper Poems), to bring an all-new...
Netflix has greenlit a new animated preschool series from Academy and Annie Award-nominated director, animator and illustrator Sanjay Patel (Sanjay’s Super Team). Titled Ghee...
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