PACT Advertising and Yeti Farm Animation Studio announce their new creative partnership to develop a new Peter and Penny Puck children’s animated series and...
Carlos Biern joins the DeAPlaneta Entertainment ( team as Content and Distribution Director of the Kids & Family division. Reporting directly to Diego Ibañez, Chief...
A&N Productions (founded by animator/producer Adam Yaniv), Aircraft Pictures (producers of the Academy Award-nominated animated feature film The Breadwinner and Emmy-nominated series Holly Hobbie)...
Christmas is coming early for SYFY’s late-night adult animation block, TZGZ. The network made a list, checked it twice… and today announced that the...
SYFY announced new original projects for its late-night adult animation block, TZGZ, including a new original animated series and three original pilots. Airing every...
Kelowna, BC-based Yeti Farm Creative has joined forces with Swampy Marsh’s (Phineas and Ferb) Surfer Jack Productions to provide production services for season 2...
Yeti Farm Creative of Kelowna, BC, has formed a content partnership with LA- and Vancouver-base Surprise Bag, Inc. Leveraging Yeti Farm’s state-of-the-art 2D/3D animation...
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