The first known Portuguese animation film was released on January 25, 1923. The Nightmare of António Maria, a short animated by Joaquim Guerreiro, was...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has issued its list of new member invitees, including dozens of talented filmmakers across animated short...
The 2023 Palm Springs International ShortFest announced its Festival juried and audience award winners as part of Closing Night at the Camelot Theatres (Palm Springs...
The 29th annual Palm Springs International Short Film Festival, ShortFest, returns to the Camelot Theatres from June 20-26. The 2023 festival will screen 50...
Portugal's animation stars shone brightly at the sixth edition of the Quirino Awards, winning four of the nine awards given to promote Ibero-American animation....
Animafest 2023 has unveiled the core of its annual Zagreb animation festival, the Oscar-qualifying Grand Competition Short Film, which this year will screen 42...
The Kaboom Animation Festival ( held its 2023 awards ceremony on Saturday night in Amsterdam, closing out another energetic, colorful and creative edition. Award-winning...
The World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb has announced the official selections for the Grand Competition – Short Film, Student Film Competition and Croatian Film Competition categories...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presented the 95th Academy Awards ( on Sunday, March 12, broadcasting live from the Dolby Theatre in...
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards ( announced the finalists for their sixth edition today in Madrid. A total of 21 works from 10 countries...
"Animation Connects!" is the motto of the anniversary edition of the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS), which will hold its 30th edition...
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards have announced the nominated titles for their sixth edition, taking place on May 13 in San Cristóbal de La Laguna,...
ShortsTV, the first and leading global channel and network dedicated to short films, announced the 18th annual Oscar Nominated Short Films theatrical release with...
Following this morning's announcement of the nominees for the 95th Academy Awards, the filmmakers behind this year's Oscar-nominated animated features and shorts are sharing...
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