The Animation Guild (IATSE Local 839) has announced that workers at Powerhouse Animation Studios in Austin, Texas have ratified their first contract since enrolling...
On Saturday, The Animation Guild, IATSE Local 839 welcomed a strong and impassioned turnout at its Stand with Animation! rally outside the IATSE Local...
The Animation Guild, IATSE Local 839, in conjunction with the International Alliance of Stage Employees (IATSE) and the University of Massachusetts Amherst Labor Center,...
Unions and guilds representing workers across the many varied strata of Hollywood's film and television production industry have joined together in support of The...
Production workers from DreamWorks Animation (DWA) Television and Feature productions have officially voted to unionize under The Animation Guild (TAG), IATSE Local 839, and...
After negotiations spanning almost a year, The Animation Guild announces the ratification of a new contract for animation workers at Nickelodeon Animation Studios that...
Since 2021, The Animation Guild, IATSE Local 839 (TAG) , has successfully organized nearly 1,200 production workers in its mission to champion the welfare...
Animation workers at Kickstart Entertainment have become the third animation studio group to join The Canadian Animation Guild IATSE Local 938. An application for...
The Animation Guild (TAG), IATSE Local 839, announced Tuesday via X/Twitter that the production workers at Walt Disney Animation Studios have voted overwhelmingly in...
Marvel Studios visual effects workers unanimously voted in favor of unionizing with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) in an election held...
Hundreds of workers at WildBrain in Vancouver, one of Canada's largest animation studios (formerly known as DHX Media), have signed union support cards, signaling...
The Animation Guild and the Titmouse NY Organizing Committee announce the ratification of TAG's first collective bargaining agreement with Titmouse's New York studio. This...
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