Confidential Creative has partnered with NC Labs to produce an animated NFT project called Blockchain Buddies, the first in a line of original intellectual...
Monsta’s highly anticipated animated series Mechamato is set to launch on WarnerMedia’s Cartoon Network (Asia Pacific) on December 4 in Southeast Asia, Hong Kong,...
Digital Dimension Entertainment Group (DDEG), a Montreal-based company focusing on the creation and production of animated content, and winner of six Emmy Awards and...
Amid the COVID-induced workflow adjustments of 2020, Vancouver VFX house Artifex Studios was tasked with delivering 685 shots for SYFY Channel’s hit sci-fi comedy...
Vancouver’s Artifex Studios provided over two hundred sophisticated visual effects shots for the reboot of fondly-remembered frightener Are You Afraid of the Dark, which...
Santa Monica shop Timber has taken on Art Director Jon Lorenz and Digital Effects Supervisor Jeff Willette, as announced by company Creative Directors and...
Shout! Factory has appointed industry vet Jeremy Whitham as Development Director, a newly created role that expands Shout!'s development and production team. The announcement...
Disney's Planes takes off thanks to a crowd-pleasing storyline and colorful cast of high-flying characters.
At first glance, Planes, a spin-off from Disney/Pixar's Cars franchise,...
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