Mark Osborne's acclaimed feature The Little Prince (Netflix) and Magic Light's Revolting Rhymes were two of the top animated winners of this year's British...
The short film, TV and feature film nominees for the first-ever European Animation Awards -- dubbed the “Emiles” -- have been revealed, displaying the...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts has announced the nominations for this year's British Academy Children's Awards. The awards will be presented...
FNE at Anifilm 2017: France Takes Top Animation Awards
Jean-François Laguionie took the top feature prize at Czech Republic’s Anifilm festival for Louise by the...
The International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced the winners of the 5th International Emmy Kids Awards at a lively ceremony held Tuesday...
BBC Worldwide last week signed a Memorandum of Understanding with China’s largest online video platform, iQIYI, which will bring nearly 300 hours of preschool...
The British Academy Children's Awards proved a ringing success for Cartoon Network, which scooped up three prizes for its animated series at the event...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts has announced this year’s British Academy Children’s Awards nominees. Live-action educational parody Horrible Histories snagged three...
At a MIPCOM press event on Monday, the nominees for the International Emmy Kids Awards were announced by the International Academy of Television Arts...
The 40th anniversary edition of the Ottawa International Animation Festival wrapped up this weekend, culminating in the 2016 awards ceremony held at Saint Brigid's...
BBC Worldwide Australia & New Zealand announce a trio of new licensing partners for its successful preschool animation brand Hey Duggee down under. The...
Finalists for the 2016 British Animation Awards -- celebrating its 20th anniversary this year -- have been announced. Held every two years, the BAAs...
BBC Worldwide has commissioned a second season of popular animated children's series Hey Duggee from London-based production house Studio AKA. The 52-episode order is...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts, or BAFTA, has revealed the nominees for its British Academy Children’s Awards, taking place in London...
It’s that magical time of year when Cannes, France’s Palais des Festivals (and any bars within walking distance) are jam-packed with content creators and...
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