Today, Prime Video released the official trailer for the highly anticipated new animated series from Warner Bros. Animation, Bad Robot Productions and 6th &...
Following up on last month's first-look reveal, Prime Video has announced the voice cast for its upcoming adult animated series Batman: Caped Crusader. Set...
In advance of its in-competition appearance at the Annecy International Animation Festival, the new mixed-reality animated comedy Gargoyle Doyle launched a trailer today. Written...
Marvel fans and LEGO enthusiasts, assemble! Today, LEGO Marvel Avengers: Code Red is available for fans to watch globally on the Marvel HQ YouTube Channel....
LEGO Marvel Avengers: Code Red made its streaming debut today (Friday, October 27), exclusively on Disney+. To get fans super excited for the launch, a...
Season 7 of DreamWorks Animation's soaring kids' series Dragons: The Nine Realms is ready to take wing this month, releasing seven all-new episodes through Hulu...
Inspired by the popular How to Train Your Dragon franchise, seven new episodes of DreamWorks Dragons: The Nine Realms arrive on Hulu and Peacock August...
Netflix has debuted the furiously action-packed, fun, funny and future-y trailer for the turtley awesome 2D feature Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:...
The days in the Northen Hemisphere are getting hotter, but families everywhere can beat the heat, reconnect and stay entertained thanks to a sizzling...
And the dinos keep on chomping! DreamWorks Animation has released the full trailer for the Annie Award-winning Netflix series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous. The show,...
HBO Max will promote its Asian American and Pacific Islander Voices collection to celebrate AAPI Heritage Month, starting May 1 — amplifying AAPI stories...
***This article originally appeared in the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 315)***
If you’re a dog fan or enjoy clever, animated shows about...
Tubi unveiled the trailer for its first-ever original animated series The Freak Brothers, based on the cult classic underground comics by Gilbert Shelton and...
Netflix announces three new animated comedy series for kids and families around the world. From renowned creators and fresh new voices, these series add...
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