A fantastic world of animated magic and unicorns is ready to sparkle, thanks to Cyber Group Studios, the acclaimed French studio behind such popular...
Cyber Group Studios is among many global children’s animation producers which will be having a strong presence at the Brand Licensing Europe event in...
Something's Awry Productions (Unlucky Charms, Grump in the Night), in collaboration with the multi-Emmy-winning team at Baboon Animation (Angry Birds, Gigantosaurus, SuperWings), announces the...
From MIPCOM, multi-Emmy-winning writers collective Baboon Animation Inc. announced a new partnership with Tokyo/L.A.-based independent animation and creative studio Custom Nuts. Studio founder Silas Hickey...
Like many other top animation producers around the world, French animation powerhouse Cyber Group Studios is bringing a colorful slate of new projects in...
Dominique Bourse has been appointed Chairman & CEO of Cyber Group Studios, succeeding Pierre Sissmann. He was previously the company’s Chief Operating Officer.
“It is...
Multi-Emmy-winning company Baboon Animation (Angry Birds, Gigantosaurus) has joined forces with Fonda Snyder and Israeli creators Neta Holzer and Allon Zaslansky to produce Cheez N...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 323)***
Fans of the popular book series Press Start! by Thomas Flintham...
French animation house Cyber Group Studios has shared that its new action-adventure series The Tern was the #1 most-attended screening program at the annual Cartoon...
***This article originally appeared in the 35th Anniversary Issue of Animation Magazine (June-July '22, No. 231)***
Cyber Group Studios is one of the most active indie...
Cyber Group Studios, a leading global producer and distributor of animated series for children and families, best known for its award-winning preschool show Gigantosaurus,...
Disney Channel and Disney XD are celebrating the magic of animation with a special presentation of Academy Award-winning and -nominated shorts from Disney and...
Cyber Group Studios, a leading producer and distributor of animated series for children and families worldwide, best known for its award-winning preschool show Gigantosaurus,...
Cyber Group Studios, a leading producer and distributor of animated series best known for its award-winning preschool show, Gigantosaurus, is partnering with Grilled Cheese...
International animation producer-distributor Cyber Group Studios (Gigantosaurus, Sadie Sparks, Droners), is developing Precious Moments, an animated comedy and adventure series for children ages 4-6...
***This article originally appeared in the Licensing Expo Virtual issue of Animation Magazine (No. 312)***
When French studio Cyber Group introduced its hugely successful animated...
During the Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour today, Disney Branded Television unveiled its fall and winter premiere dates for new original movies and...
A third season of Gigantosaurus, the hit animated series for preschoolers and families from Cyber Group Studios, will launch Monday, August 9 at 8:55...
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