Tokyo-based Polygon Pictures has been tapped to produce the animation for Star Wars Resistance -- the newest animated series set in George Lucas’ iconic...
The Art Directors Guild has announced that eight-time Oscar-nominated filmmaker and President of Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy will receive the 2018 Cinematic Imagery Award at...
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences has announced the new electees to its 2017-18 Board of Governors. Among these esteemed industry veterans,...
The end is in sight for the class-action lawsuit that shook up the animation industry. Holdout defendants Disney, Pixar and Lucasfilm (all under The...
Two-time Oscar-winning filmmaker, director, producer, animator and writer Brad Bird will be honored with the Cinematic Imagery Award from the Art Directors Guild at...
The Walt Disney Studios have released their official 2017 feature release catalog, full of fresh titles, hotly anticipated sequels, a royal revamp … and...
The Visual Effects Society has named multiple Academy Award-winning visual effects pioneer Ken Ralston as the recipient of the VES Lifetime Achievement Award to...
The Visual Effects Society will honor multiple award-winning director-producer Sir Ridley Scott with the VES Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his enormous contributions...
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