In a new 18.5-minute short starring their "synthetic self," animator Fabian Mosele offers a unique take on the question of artificial intelligence in the...
The Animation Guild (IATSE Local 839) , which represents and advocates for more than 5,000 artists, technicians, writers and production workers in the animation...
Viggle AI, a Canadian start-up focusing on applying generative artificial intelligence to character animation and controllable video generation, has raised $19 million USD in...
It’s a well-known fact that service studios are the unsung powerhouses of the animation industry. Although many tentpoles are original ideas formed and rendered...
London-based animation software developer CelAction has announced their pledge to only use AI in their products if the AI has been ethically trained.
“We, like...
Artificial intelligence and blockchain experts in Japan have set up the Anime Chain Preparatory Committee -- a thinktank dedicated to building a generative AI...
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