Closing out CinemaCon, the 100-year-old Walt Disney Studios put on a presentation spotlighting highly anticipated titles from its animation and film brands. Anchoring the...
The 100-year-old Walt Disney Animation Studios' first-ever animated feature, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, will join in the centenary celebrations with the new 4K...
Home audiences will get their first chance to watch the cameo-packed Disney Animation centennial short film Once Upon a Studio next month, when the comically...
Following engagements in 13 cities and rave reviews from critics and audiences across North America, experiential projection leader Lighthouse Immersive Studios and the iconic...
Chris Pine (Into the Woods, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves) officially kicked off his reign today as King Magnifico in Walt Disney Animation...
As part of Disney’s 100th anniversary celebration, the studio will be releasing a special series of steelbook re-releases of some of the most beloved...
During today's Q1 earnings call, Walt Disney Co.'s boomerang CEO Bob Iger revealed that Disney-Pixar animation favorites will be returning to the big screen,...
Last year's runaway awards season favorite Encanto has added another accolade to its long list, topping the Nielsen chart of 2022's most-watched streaming movies. Directed...
Tickets are now on sale for the world premiere of Disney100: The Exhibition, debuting at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia on February 18, 2023....
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