This week, Comedy Central takes viewers on an animated visit back to the world of Chris Rock’s autobiographical family comedy Everybody Hates Chris. The...
Emmy-nominated animated preschool series Fancy Nancy returns with all-new elegant episodes next month, in which young fans will see our high-spirited heroine achieve one...
Award-winning global independent animation studio ZAG ( is sending its action-comedy series Ghostforce (52 x 11') to Disney Channels U.S.; the broadcaster has licensed...
Netflix has ordered animated action series Blue Eye Samurai from Michael Green and Amber Noizumi, setting an impressive voice cast including Maya Erskine, George...
Eleven celebrated filmmakers, performers and entertainment innovators will be honored as Disney Legends during the D23 Expo 2019. Hosted by Disney Chairman and CEO...
The summer toon landscape is still sizzling, with the Mouse House revealing all the episode premiere highlights for August across Disney Channel, Disney Junior...
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