The 2024 World Animation Summit, the leading West Coast event for staying current with the latest trends and technologies in animation, has announced a...
Currently celebrating its 20th year as a leading animation studio in Latin America and recognized as a global player in the animation industry, with...
Yeti Farm Creative (Hotel Transylvania S2, Summer Memories), an artist-driven studio and one of Canada’s most robust animation pipelines, is bringing a longer-form version...
Christmas is coming early for SYFY’s late-night adult animation block, TZGZ. The network made a list, checked it twice… and today announced that the...
SYFY announced new original projects for its late-night adult animation block, TZGZ, including a new original animated series and three original pilots. Airing every...
The spring market season officially kicks off this month with the arrival of the international content market MIPTV in Cannes, France (April 8-11). The...
Kelowna, BC-based Yeti Farm Creative has joined forces with Swampy Marsh’s (Phineas and Ferb) Surfer Jack Productions to provide production services for season 2...
Yeti Farm Creative of Kelowna, BC, has formed a content partnership with LA- and Vancouver-base Surprise Bag, Inc. Leveraging Yeti Farm’s state-of-the-art 2D/3D animation...
Some of the top creative stars working in the animation and visual effects industry shared their valuable knowledge at the sixth edition of Animag’s...
Tricon Films & Television is continuing the growth trajectory of its Kids & Family division with the appointment of Frank Saperstein as Executive Vice...
Canada’s award-winning animation and digital media studio Bardel Entertainment, Inc. has entered into a non-exclusive partnership with L.A.-based, Emmy-nominated toon vet Frank Saperstein and...
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