This Sunday, November 3, the annual The Simpsons Halloween event rises from the grave once more in "Treehouse of Horror XXXV." This year's anthology of...
The Griffins are coming to spread their irreverent primetime animated antics to another channel, with the news that Comedy Central will launch Family Guy...
During the FOX Animation Domination-presented panel for The Simpsons (launching its astounding 36th season this fall) at San Diego Comic-Con, series creator Matt Groening presented...
FOX animation loves spending time in ancient Greece. Krapopolis, the Sunday night animated series has been greenlit for a fourth season by the network....
Comic-Con 2024 attendees have a chance to get frickin' paid with a themed giveaway contest promoting the newest FOX Animation Domination series. Fans who spot...
FOX today announced premiere highlights of its 2024-25 television season, featuring a brand-new addition to its Animation Domination lineup. “This year, we created a...
January 2024 marked the milestone 25th anniversary of 20th Television Animation’s Family Guy, the raw and rowdy adult animation institution that first spawned on...
Nancy MacKenzie, the prolific actress and voice-over artist who has been the Spanish dub voice of Marge in FOX's record-breaking animated sitcom The Simpsons in...
FOX Entertainment today unveils its content slate for the 2024-2025 television season to the national advertising community during its in-person Upfront Presentation at the...
FOX Entertainment has given an early second season renewal to its upcoming animated comedy Universal Basic Guys, from creators Adam and Craig Malamut (Sports...
In some doggie downer news, FOX confirmed that the animated comedy HouseBroken will not return for a third season. The network shared that, while it...
Sony Pictures Television has signed an overall deal with writers, producers and animators Adam and Craig Malamut. The Game of Zones creators will focus...
Every year, we put together our hot list of up-and-coming animation artists whose careers are on fire. Whether they’re directors, storyboard artists, showrunners, production...
Everyone's favorite Mutants are back and better than ever. Disney+ today released a new trailer and some exciting new images from its upcoming X-Men...
FOX’s popular Sunday night Animation Domination lineup gets a welcome addition this month, when the detective noir spoof Grimsburg settles into the regular 9:30...
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