Here's a perfectly timed Halloween news item: DreamWorks Animation has roped in Bill Murray to voice the villainous ghost Addison Drake for its 2015...
Veteran animation director Lionel Gallat (Despicable Me, The Lorax, Flushed Away) has launched an Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign for a game he created titled Ghost...
Following in the footsteps of Wallace and Gromit, another popular Aardman character is getting ready for its big movie adventure. The Bristol-based animation studio...
Award-winning indie production house Passion Pictures has just signed animated feature film director Sam Fell for worldwide commercial representation. Fell has recently received both...
LAIKA studio’s second feature, ParaNorman, is an original stop-motion horror story for kids of all ages.
One of the most noticeable shifts in the Stateside...
How the wizards at Aardman joined forces with Sony Animation to deliver the poignant and funny CG-animated holiday adventure, Arthur Christmas.
Santa Claus and animation...
Portland’s acclaimed animation studio LAIKA has unveiled a new poster for its 2012 stop-motion movie ParaNorman. Slated for an August 17 release date, the...
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