The legend of Goku continues when the English-language dub of Dragon Ball DAIMA arrives on Crunchyroll starting on January 10 in select territories. Based...
LAIKA's debut stop-motion feature is ready for its re-re-re-release, as the studio announces Coraline is returning to theaters for a limited run once again —...
Since its re-release on August 15, LAIKA’s 2009 stop-motion animated film Coraline has garnered $38.3 million at the global box office, exceeding Sunday's projections. In...
A familiar face returned to the big screen this weekend with Fathom Events' 15th anniversary re-release of LAIKA's Coraline, presented in a new stereoscopic...
Acclaimed Oregon studio LAIKA will celebrate the 15th Anniversary of its award-winning 2009 stop-motion animated film Coraline with a return to theaters around the...
Studio Ghibli Fest returns to theaters in 2024 for its biggest year yet. In 2023, the event programming broke box-office records with the first-ever...
Toei Animation and Fathom Events revealed today details for the U.S. theatrical release of Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning, which will be a two-day...
GKIDS announced today that Howl's Moving Castle, the 2004 film from Academy Award-winning director Hayao Miyazaki, has earned over $3.2 million in North American...
The return of Oscar-nominated 2009 stop-motion feature Coraline to theaters was a huge box office hit for Fathom Events, LAIKA and Park Circus this past Monday and...
Animation Is Film (AIF), whose mission is to champion animation as a cinematic artform on par with live action, has unveiled its competition line-up, special...
GKIDS announced today it will bring the highly anticipated fourth and final installment of the new theatrical “Rebuild” editions of the Evangelion franchise, to...
For the second year in a row, a bring-back screening of LAIKA’s groundbreaking stop-motion film Coraline scored impressive results at the box office on Monday,...
GKIDS announced today it will bring Goodbye, Don Glees! to cinemas nationwide this September. Produced by the acclaimed studio Madhouse, the film is the first...
Acclaimed animation producer/distributor GKIDS announced today it will bring The Deer King — the new feature from Japanese animation veterans Masashi Ando and Masayuki Miyaji...
A rollicking, exuberant ode to the power of the movies, the critically acclaimed animated feature Pompo the Cinephile will make its home entertainment debut...
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