Seth MacFarlane and the producers of Family Guy have created an original three-minute comedic short designed to educate, entertain and encourage the millions of...
The full back catalog of Seth MacFarlane's nine-time Emmy-winning animated primetime comedy Family Guy will have a new home on the FXX network starting...
The Television Academy held a trio of ceremonies to present the 2021 Creative Arts Emmy Awards this weekend, honoring an array of television production...
An unthinkable tragedy propels Superman into a dangerous new mindset, ultimately pitting Justice League members against each other in Injustice, an all-new DC Animated...
As evidenced by recent viewing trends, Hulu viewers love adult animation. During the past year, over half of Hulu subscribers have watched content from...
J-Toon Productions (U.S./Indonesia) and Montreal-based producer/distributor Syon Media have announced a deal to exclusively premiere the new animated series The Beachbuds on Disney+ Hotstar...
Peacock has announced a straight-to-series order for Ted, from UCP, a division of Universal Studio Group, and MRC Television. The live-action series, based on...
Charlie Collier, CEO, FOX Entertainment, unveiled the FOX primetime slate for the 2021-2022 television season to the national advertising community during its virtual Upfront...
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