Walt Disney Animation Studios today previewed and alien landscape awaiting audiences in its upcoming original feature in a piece of concept art for Strange...
Ireland's Animation Dingle Festival has been approved as an Academy Awards-qualifying festival. From 2021 onwards, the recipient of Animation Dingle’s Best Irish Professional Short...
Raya and the Last Dragon
Ushering in a new era of heroic Disney Princesses, the studio's latest original fantasy-adventure is questing to disc with a...
Ushering in a new era of heroic Disney Princesses, the studio's latest original fantasy-adventure Raya and the Last Dragon has already made an impact...
New York International Children's Film Festival (NYICFF) announced its 2021 Special Programs on Friday morning. Animated fare is taking center stage at the 24th...
Disney’s Oscar-contending seafaring tale Moana will be sailing home in the next couple months, arriving on Digital HD/3D and Disney Movies Anywhere on February...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts, or BAFTA, has revealed the nominees for its British Academy Children’s Awards, taking place in London...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 322 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences will be examining the creative leaps and technical innovations that helped may Disney’s Marvel adaptation Big...
Big Hero 6 wins best animated feature, Disney's Feast swins the best animated short, while Interstellar wins the Best VFX Oscar!
The LEGO Movie missed...
The Motion Picture Sound Editors have announced the nominees in a handful of animation categories for the 62nd Golden Reel Awards.
The winners in 20...
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