When an animation project originates from the delightfully twisted mind of Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist and celebrated author Berkeley Breathed, the creator of Bloom County...
Produced by Aniventure (Animal Farm, Stitch Head) and distributed by Viva Pictures (2023 Sundance Film Festival selection The Amazing Maurice) with animation by Cinesite...
Decentralized filmmaking ecosystem Film.io recently announced the winner of its Creator Contest, awarding film funds totaling $10,000 to ChickenShip -- an original concept created by Emmy...
Aniventure (Riverdance: The Animated Adventure, Blazing Samurai) has announced that Brazilian singer-songwriter and global sensation Anitta is the latest A-list celebrity to add her...
***This article originally appeared in the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 315)***
Even if you are a casual observer of the animation and...
International VFX and feature animation powerhouse Cinesite took the spotlight at Annecy today in the Studio Focus session 8 Top Directors Reveal 5 New...
The first edition of the Quirino Awards for Ibero-American Animation were held Saturday evening in Tenerife, Spain, celebrating the amazing talent and creativity of...
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards have announced the finalists in nine categories for its inaugural edition, taking place April 6-7 on the Spanish island...
This year’s VIEW Conference in Torino, Italy is jam-packed with fascinating speaker sessions, as previously announced. With the dates drawing near (October 24-28), here’s...
Italy's largest computer graphics and digital media conference, VIEW, will take place in Turin October 24-28 this year. The 2016 edition promises the largest...
In the mood for some frightfully funny forest shenanigans? Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has got you covered, with the latest installment of Boog and...
The backwoods hijinx continue as Sony Pictures Animation announces the upcoming home entertainment release of Open Season: Scared Silly -- the fourth installment of...
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