Today, Disney+ released the trailer, key art and trailer stills for Lucasfilm’s upcoming original animated series Star Wars: Tales of the Empire. The second...
Following its market premiere at the European Film Market (EFM) on February 17, the CG-animated adaptation Dragonkeeper will bow on the festival circuit as...
The D23 Expo continued to fuel fan excitement through the weekend with a jam-packed presentation from the teams at Walt Disney Studios' Lucasfilm, Marvel...
Disney+ announced today the second season of the critically acclaimed animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch, which will launch in 2022.
“Fans have enthusiastically...
Disney+ has ordered a new animated series from Lucasfilm, Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Fresh off of the critically-acclaimed series finale of Star Wars:...
CROWDFUND: Rally for Blair Kitchen Family
Friends and colleagues of the Canadian animator and comic-book artist, who died unexpectedly on Sunday at just 43 years...
With two weeks until Disney+ launches in the U.S. and Canada, the streaming service has released a new blaster-shooting, alien-wrangling, interstellar trailer and character...
D23 Expo got the weekend off to a strong start on Friday with the first-ever showcase presentation for upcoming streaming service Disney+, during which...
The Emmy Award-nominated series Star Wars Resistance returns for its second and final season beginning Sunday, October 6 (10-10:30 p.m. EDT/PDT), on Disney Channel...
Fans of Lucasfilm's galaxy far, far away were treated to exciting announcements from the Disney-owned studio at this weekend's Star Wars Celebration in Chicago,...
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