Based on DC’s iconic comic-book limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, DC’s new animated film Justice League: Crisis on...
The Annie Award-winning series Abominable and the Invisible City is returning to streaming screens this month when Season 2 (10 episodes) premieres on Hulu and Peacock...
Batman’s rational mind and unparalleled fighting skills are put to the ultimate test when an ancient force threatens his world and everyone he holds...
DreamWorks Animation has defrosted the official series trailer, cast and premiere date for Abominable and the Invisible City. Inspired by the 2019 film Abominable, all...
Warner Bros. Animation has revealed a new movie project inspired by the iconic Mortal Kombat arcade, film, TV and comics series. Titled Mortal Kombat...
Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, in partnership with DC, are in production on five new DC Showcase animated shorts for release...
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