When an animation project originates from the delightfully twisted mind of Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist and celebrated author Berkeley Breathed, the creator of Bloom County...
Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment is offering a fans a chance to expand their toon libraries with the Animation Mania! sale, offering nearly 30...
Decentralized filmmaking ecosystem Film.io recently announced the winner of its Creator Contest, awarding film funds totaling $10,000 to ChickenShip -- an original concept created by Emmy...
Francis "Chick" Vennera, actor and prolific voice performer who lent his talents to toon classics like Animaniacs and Batman Beyond, died Wednesday at his...
International VFX and feature animation powerhouse Cinesite took the spotlight at Annecy today in the Studio Focus session 8 Top Directors Reveal 5 New...
This year’s VIEW Conference in Torino, Italy is jam-packed with fascinating speaker sessions, as previously announced. With the dates drawing near (October 24-28), here’s...
In the mood for some frightfully funny forest shenanigans? Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has got you covered, with the latest installment of Boog and...
L.A.-based Toonzone Studios is taking legal action against Aurora World Corporation over the contractual rights for its YooHoo & Friends animated show.
Toonzone is attempting...
In a restructuring move, Turner Broadcasting's young adults and kids media group has made new executive appointments to aid a strategy of aligning content,...
We are sad to report that animation producer Buzz Potamkin (1945-2012) passed away from pancreatic cancer on Sunday, April 22nd. The much-liked and talented...
The Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art (MoCCA) in New York City will feature an evening with award-winning animation producer and media entrepreneur Fred...
Toonzone Studios' eco-adventure children's animated series Yoohoo & Friends has been picked up to air starting in 2012 on Cartoon Network Latin America.
The series,...
ADC Licensing has landed a broadcast deal in the United Kingdom for its animated series Yoohoo and Friends.
The series is produced and developed by ToonZone...
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