Ottawa-based global indie animation studio Mercury Filmworks (Hilda, Kid Cosmic, Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) has appointed 20-year finance and operations veteran Julie Pandeya to the...
20th Television Animation has promoted Chris Cikowski to Vice President, Animation, Deadline reports. The new veep's assignments include current Fox series Duncanville and The...
Rising Sun Pictures (RSP) recreated huge swaths of Amazon rainforest with photoreal accuracy for Disney's rollicking adventure film, Jungle Cruise. The jungle environments are...
Netflix has scooped up another European animated feature for global streaming, announcing that Drachenreiter (Dragon Rider) from Germany's Constantin Film, RISE FX South Studios...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 395 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
Disney has released a toe-tapping new clip from new studio short Us Again, which makes its digital debut with the early release of fantasy-adventure...
Buoyed by a boom in motion picture and series production, Rising Sun Pictures (RSP) quickly reached maximum staff capacity at its current location and...
Cornelia Funke's magical fantasy novel Igraine The Brave is coming to theaters! Oscar-winner Volker Engel, Gesa Engel and Lucia Scharbatke of Uncharted Territory are...
Us Again, a vibrant and original new theatrical animated short from director Zach Parrish that brings together dance, music, emotional storytelling and inspired animation,...
Bob Chapek, Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney Company today announced that Josh D’Amaro has been named Chairman, Disney Parks, Experiences and Products...
Ziva Dynamics, creators of Hollywood’s most advanced character simulation software, today announced the completion of a $7 million seed round led by Grishin Robotics,...
It was a relatively quiet weekend at cinemas around the country, with the latest Disney-Pixar original Onwardunsurprisingly claiming the top spot -- surprisingly, at...
The top 10 animated and VFX-fueled big screen blockbusters that closed out the decade with a box-office bang!
Animated Movies
The Lion King (Disney) $543,638,043
Leading independent digital animation & visual effects studio Cinesite has secured investment from Gryphion Capital Investments, along with new banking facilities from Barclays and...
Irregular Choice Kicks Off ‘Mulan,’ ‘Snow White’ Shoe Collections
Having previously partnered with Disney on shoe and accessory lines for Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck,...
A fresh batch of venerable speakers from across the global entertainment industry have been announced for VIEW 2019 -- Italy’s premiere event for computer...
Featuring a keynote address from Marvel Studios production chief Victoria Alonso and 11 different production sessions delving into the making of blockbuster hits, this...
Marvel Studios returned to Comic-Con’s Hall H this weekend to share exciting news about what’s next from the superheroic entertainment powerhouse. President Kevin Feige...
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